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How many sessions will it take to remove my PMU/Tattoo?

The number of sessions varies from one client to another: On average 2 – 4 sessions are required to remove permanent makeup, dependant on colour, pigment/ink used, skin type and age of the PMU. On average 4 - 6 sessions are required to remove body tattoos, dependent on the colour, ink used, skin type and age of the tattoo. Darker, bolder areas of tattoos require more sessions than the lighter, shaded areas. Throughout the process this can leave your tattoo patchy in appearance.


How long is there in between sessions?

4 – 6 weeks between sessions, dependant on how well the skin has healed. Your technician will assess the area during the healing process and determine how many weeks are necessary.


Does it hurt?

A topical numbing agent is used on the area (patch test required prior to your appointment). The treatment is relatively pain-free compared to other forms of removal, depending on your personal pain threshold.


What are the comparisons with other forms of removal such as laser and saline?  

No scarring is caused laser for example - Much less painful - The technique can remove particular colours of ink that not all techniques can remove - Less sessions can be required to remove the PMU or tattoo



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